Welcome to our website
St Mary’s Baldock would love to welcome you to one of our services which are at 8:00 am and 9:30am on a Sunday and 11:15am on a Wednesday.
Dear Baldock Residents, Businesses and everyone in the wider community of Baldock,
St Mary’s Church Hall, Baldock
As many of you know, on 19th July 2024, the church hall and graveyard were attacked in a senseless act of vandalism. Extensive damage was caused. The impact on the church hall has inevitably been negative – the hall is a valuable and much needed resource in the community. It is used by a wide range of local groups, families celebrating special occasions, by the Trussell Trust as a crisis centre and the Food Angels in the distribution of food to people in need.
The hall was built in the 1980’s and doesn’t meet currents expectations for a modern community space. Due to the damage it has suffered, it has become essential to carry out not just repair, but renovation. The planned renovation work will improve accessibility and add features in keeping with environmental concerns to better meet expectations of users in the 21st Century.
In order to proceed with the renovation project, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) will need your help and support! Provisional plans have been prepared but they cannot be progressed without your views, comments and any feedback that you may have. Therefore we are inviting everyone to participate in a public consultation to begin with immediate effect. The plans can be viewed as follows:
In St Mary’s Church and the Church Hall (the Church is open every day)
- On the Church website – stmarysbaldock.org.uk
- By emailing us on admin@stmarysbaldock.org.uk
- By phoning on 01462 892838 – to speak to, or leave a message for, a member of the project team.
- Please submit your views and feedback through our questionnaire by clicking on this QR code: (note – hard copies are available upon request).
The consultation is due to be completed by late February with results published shortly afterwards. Please have your say and make your views known!
With many thanks and best wishes to you all,
Rev’d Phillipa Maddox
Online Donation
To make a donation to church funds please click the button below.
Hall Hire
Our church hall has 2 rooms to hire, and a fully fitted kitchen with range cooker and dishwasher.
The large hall has a seating capacity of 100 people, and can take this number seated at round tables for 10 people. The small hall can seat 40 people at tables of 4 or 6.
Latest Blog Posts
Upcoming Events
A mini service for pre-school children
(and the adults they bring with them)
Fun time of songs, stories and prayers, followed by refreshments. Free!