St Mary’s Church Baldock is home to 8 bells which are rung for Sunday services, weddings and other special occasions. Our small team of bellringers practice once a month on the 1st Wednesday of each month and help to maintain the tradition of bells being rung in the church.

The lightest bell in the tower (the treble) weighs just over 300kg, and the heaviest bell in the tower (the tenor) weighs over 1.3 tonnes! The Westminster chimes ring out every quarter hour on the bells, with the hour being marked by our tenor bell.

Did you know? In the ringing chamber there is a peal board dated from 1737. This is believed to be one of the oldest in the country!

Did you know? The 8th bell in the tower is in fact the heaviest bell in Hertfordshire!

For more information or if you are interested in learning to ring please contact