Church Schools, St Mary’s Infant School and St Mary’s Junior School
- To visit the schools’ website;
- Infant School
- Junior School
We are really proud of our Church Schools, St Mary’s Infant School and St Mary’s Junior School which have both been judged outstanding in their Christian Distinctiveness
- Infant School SIAMS report
- Junior School SIAMS report

Or schools aim to educate and nurture the whole child and give a firm Christian basis for life. Church and School work extremely well in partnership. Here are some of the ways in which we collaborate
We offer a weekly act of Collective Worship led by a member of the Church. (This is part of the Schools’ daily Assembly plan)
We celebrate all the major Christian Festivals either in church or school
We offer children in Years 5 and 6 the chance to discover about receiving communion and hold a termly communions service for them in school
The school choir and other children from the school join us in worship once a term on Sunday mornings.
We lead dedicated teaching in each year group each year covering topics like How to read the bible, The real meaning of Christmas, Asking Big Questions and discovering about baptism.
We hold a variety of children’s clubs in the schools including ‘Awesome’ in the Junior School and the Infant School Christian choir.
We have up to three Foundation Governors in each school.