We are a Bronze Level Eco Church, working hard towards silver in each of the 5 categories
- Worship and Teaching: we pray for the Climate Crisis weekly, have an annual dedicated Climate Service
- Management of Church Buildings: we have LED lights, a green electricity tariff and submit Energy Footprint figures to the Diocese to help us see where energy savings can be made
- Management of Church Land: our bee and butterfly garden is now 7 years old – we continue to develop a better eco system for pollinators and insects in part of our churchyard
- Community and Global Engagement: we participate in Bin and also Toilet Twinning which gives money to help reduce pollution in developing countries; we participate in the Baldock Eco Fest and collect pens to send to Terracycle for recycling
Lifestyle: we publish a weekly Eco Tip in our church news sheet (and share this with other churches); we have an Eco Church display with information about reducing our carbon footprints